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General information:

Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. za usluge
Zagora adventure services ltd
Rade Miletića 2, 21276 Vrgorac
OIB: 42112567462, EUID: HRSR.060444898
Registered on commercial court in Split, MBS: 060444898
Share capital 20.000,00 kuna, paid in full
Board member: Nedjeljko Erceg
Bank: Zagrebačka banka d.d., SWIFT: ZABAHR2X
IBAN: HR4723600001102983711
00385 (0) 99 434 7240

General Conditions

This web document represents the entire agreement between the client and Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o., who is the tour operator. Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. will be responsible to the client for supplying the services as described at, except where such services cannot be supplied, or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other causes of whatever kind or nature beyond the control of Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o..

In such circumstances, we will do our best to supply comparable services and itineraries, and there shall be no refund in this connection. Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. and its agents (collectively ‘Pustolovna Zagora) act only as agent for the client and upon the express condition that Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. shall not be liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage, injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity of any kind, which may be occasioned by reason of any act or omission of any third party (including without limitation, any act, inaction or breach of contract of any third party, which is to or does supply any goods or services for this trip). Without limiting the foregoing, Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. does not own or operate any third party suppliers of services such as hotels, restaurants, transportation companies, sightseeing companies or local tour operators. It is not responsible for any injury, death, loss or expense due to overbooking of accommodations, default of any third parties, sickness, weather, strikes, acts of God, act of Government, acts of terrorism, criminal activity, war, quarantine, force majeure events or any other cause beyond its control. All such risk, loss and expense must be borne by the client. Occasionally, it may be necessary to alter or amend itineraries, accommodation and sightseeing arrangements from those published. This may be due to road, weather and other operational needs prevailing at the time, and is always made in the best interests of your comfort. Any personal expenses incurred by a client as a result of any delay, alteration or curtailment of any tour, whether caused by mechanical defect, strikes or any other cause are the responsibility of the client (we strongly recommend all clients take out Travel Insurance, see your licensed travel agent). The operator is unable to guarantee exact arrival and departure times, and is not liable for any failure to make connections with any other service, or guarantee the operation of any particular service. In the case of breakdown and other unforeseen circumstances, the operator reserves the right to substitute vehicles other than specified, to ensure the operation of a tour. These vehicles/vessels will be modern vehicles/vessels and may not have some of the features described. Please note that if you arrange for payment through an unaccredited agent, the unaccredited agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those monies by us, and the travel agent has no authority, expressed or implied, to receive monies on our behalf. There is no liability on our part, in respect of any monies paid to your travel agent. The company reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking, or to refuse to carry any client where payment has not been received by the company within the specified time. The company reserves the right to amend or cancel tours at any time.

These conditions should also be read in conjunction and with reference to general terms and conditions for Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o., Vrgorac, Croatia.

Terms of Use

By using you agree to be legally bound by these terms, which shall take effect immediately. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all the following Terms & Conditions, please do not access and/or use website. Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. may change these Terms & Conditions at any time by posting changes online. Please review these Terms & Conditions regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes made by Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. If you continue to use website after changes are posted means you agree to be legally bound by these terms as updated and/or amended.

You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, transmit, make available to the public, or otherwise use content (inclusive of text, images, URLs, pricing information, etc.) in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. We grant you permission to use the site subject to the restrictions in these Terms & Conditions. In accessing or using the site, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, objectionable, or otherwise inappropriate. Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. does not endorse such content, and cannot vouch for its accuracy. You therefore access and use the site at your own risk.

Images and marketing

The Client agrees that while participating in any Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. tour (including, without limitation, group and Independent travel, multi-day expedition trips, self-guided trips and other tour product) images, photos or videos may be taken by other Clients and / or Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o.  representatives or Tour Leaders that may contain or feature the Client in part or in whole. The Client acknowledges that they consent to any such pictures being taken and agree that Client hereby grants a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o., its affiliates and assigns, to reproduce for any purpose whatsoever (including marketing and promotions) , in any medium whatsoever, whether currently known or hereinafter devised, without any further obligation to the Client or compensation payable to such Client.

Payments & Cancellations

Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. accepts direct payment on bank account. Payment of half a price is required to make a reservation. The other half can be paid in cash or on bank account.

No refunds are available once a tour or service has commenced, or in respect of any package, accommodation, meals or any other services utilized. Canceling a booking with Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. can result in cancellation fees being applied by Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o., as outlined below. When canceling any booking you will be notified via email, facsimile or telephone of the total cancellation fees. When cancelling the amount of half a price paid on bank account is nonrefundable, except in unpredicted circumstances.

Currency conversions

All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian kuna according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.

Privacy and personal data collection

We are committed to provide service of protection of our customer’s personal data in a way that we collect only essential basic information about our buyers that are necessary for fulfilling our obligations. We also inform our customers about the way we collect information and regularly give customers an option about how their information will be used, including the possibility to decide whether their name should be included or omitted from the lists used for marketing campaigns.

All user information are strictly guarded and are available only to the employees who need those information for completing the job. All our employees and business partners are responsible to follow the principles of confidentiality protection.

Pricing & Inclusions/Exclusions

Prices listed on are per person, unless otherwise specified. Price quotations are subject to change without notice, until a booking has been confirmed. Unless otherwise specified, prices do not include any local taxes or use-fees, including foreign departure, security, port charges, park fees, customs, immigration, agricultural, passenger-facility charges or international transportation tax. Prices do not include tips/gratuities to tour directors, drivers or local guides; passport and visa fees; baggage and personal insurance; any items of a personal nature; and any beverages or food not specifically listed under “Inclusions” on the product pages of

Passport & Visas

Each customer has to check he has the appropriate documents for his journey especially (but without limitation) if he booked tours, packages or transfers including visit of a country different from the country of departure. He has to own and bring a passport (with visa if necessary) or a valid ID card. No refund will be granted in case of lack or loss of ID documents.

Circumstances beyond our or our supplier’s control

No compensation of any kind or responsibility can be taken if, due to circumstances beyond the control of Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. or the relevant service providers; we have to notify a change to your arrangements when we or the relevant service providers cannot supply your arrangements in full or in part as agreed, or you suffer any loss or damage of any description. A circumstance beyond our or the relevant service providers’ control is one that cannot be foreseen or avoided, even after taking all due care and includes but is not limited to war, terrorist activity, civil unrest, industrial disputes and bad weather situations or forecasts.

Special Requests

Please inform us at time of booking of any special requests for any service or facility that is not included as part of your booking. We will enquire with the relevant service provider and where possible will try to accommodate your request, but please note such requests cannot be guaranteed.

Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

It is understood by Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. that the terms and conditions of travel are accepted by the passenger when the required deposit has been paid.

Travel Insurance

It is a condition of our contract with you that you and all members of your party have suitable and sufficient travel insurance to cover your journey as neither Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. nor our suppliers can be held responsible for any liability, expenses or losses you incur as a result of being inadequately insured. We strongly recommend that at the time of booking a comprehensive travel insurance policy is purchased.

Your responsibility

Please note you are responsible for your and your party’s actions. If we or our suppliers believe your actions or those of your party could cause danger, upset or annoyance to other customers, guests or staff, we or our suppliers may end your booked arrangements immediately. In this event Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. nor the relevant service provider(s) will pay compensation, make refunds nor pay any expenses you suffer as a result. You are responsible for your personal safety and for the safety of the accompanying people dependent on you. Please take time to understand and then conform to the health and safety rules stipulated by the relevant service provider or the facility or by the appropriate government authorities.

You agree to defend and indemnify Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o., its affiliates, and/or their respective suppliers and any of their officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature including but not limited to reasonable legal and accounting fees, brought by:

You or on your behalf in excess of the liability described above; or by third parties as a result of your breach of this agreement or the documents referenced herein; your violation of any law or the rights of a third party; or your use of this website.


Itineraries were correct at the time of publishing, but are subject to change without notice. This could come about due to road or weather conditions, or any changes imposed by other tour operators and carriers included in the itinerary. If a passenger amends their itinerary by starting or concluding the itinerary earlier or later or during an itinerary then it becomes their responsibility to arrange tour or flight connections as necessary.

Safety Standards

The safety standards and regulations are those of the country in question, and not necessarily the same or equivalent standards of your country. The monitoring, enforcement and compliance with local regulations is carried out by the appropriate authorities in the country concerned. We urge you take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and family whilst on holiday.

Disabilities and Travel

We embrace all people, regardless of colors or physical conditions. One of our goals is to provide free access and expand travel opportunities for people with special needs in the Croatia and abroad. We are exploring more travel products to accommodate this special population; however, yet, not all the travel products we currently offer include special accommodations. You are responsible to verify with us before you book travel to ensure that special arrangement can be made if it is required for your needs. Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. or local provider is not liable for any incidences or consequences incurred during travel or complaints or lawsuits during or after travel due to your failure to inform us of your special needs. You also have the responsibility to re-confirm with us, after we reserve seats/services for you, that special accommodation will be provided per your request.

Medical Conditions, Pregnancy and Travel

If you have a medical condition, or if you are pregnant and considering travel, you must consult with your doctor before you travel, especially if medical condition requires daily routine care, urgent care, or your pregnancy is high-risk. You are responsible for disclosing any related information to us during the check-out process by adding special comments. You understand Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. or local provider is not in a position to provide any medical services or urgent care in the event such an action may be required. You are liable for any risks, incidences or consequences incurred during travel. We highly recommend that you purchase medical insurance and travel insurance before you travel.

Your Eligibility

You must be an individual, 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18, you may use only with involvement of a parent or legal guardian.

Travel Companion

All travel companions parties agree to take the tour together on their own will and accord. Disparities financially, culturally, or personally are each party’s responsibility to resolve and must not affect the overall tour in any fashion. If one party cancels their part of the tour, all additional penalties or charges associated with the cancellation of the departing party’s tour must be paid by the departing party in full. This ensures the departing party leave the attending parties and their tour in good standing.

Travel companion orders are fully nonrefundable after the payments have been submitted by each travel companion party. Travel companion tours cannot change departure dates unless all parties consent to the departure date change. Additional bedding arrangements will come at additional fees if available and will be the responsibility of the travel companion party.

All parties herein agree to the policies and bindings of a travel companion booking and terms and conditions and have agreed to the continuation of the tour in each party’s good faith and understanding.

Multiple pick up locations and times may not be available for all tours. Travel companion parties must decide on one pick up location to meet at for the tour (for tours offering pick up location services) or one airport transfer service time (for tours offering airport transfer services; one airport and one transfer per party).

Important note

Compensation will not be payable if we are found to cancel or in any way change your holiday due to war, or threat of war, riots, civil commotion, industrial disputes, disaster, terrorist activities, technical or other problems with transportation, closure of airports or seaports, alteration or cancellation of scheduled services.

Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. will not reimburse any customer who changes, or does not utilize any part of the package arrangements which they have booked and paid for with this company.


Any problems that occur whilst on holiday should be directed at the earliest opportunity to the local supplier, representative and Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o., Vrgorac head office so it can be rectified. Complaints must be submitted in writing to Pustolovna Zagora d.o.o. no later than 30 days after returning from your holiday.

Governing Law

This website has been designed for use within the Republic of Croatia. By accessing this website you are agreeing that the Courts of Croatia will deal with any disputes which may arise between you and us, and that Croatian law shall be the applicable law.

Disclaimer To the maximum extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied by statute, custom or usage relating to the information contained in this website and we shall not be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise arising from this website, or from any interruption or delay in accessing

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